Monday, November 2, 2009

Vacation Dream

Last night during the 3-4 hours of sleep I managed to get, I went to Croatia. My sister and I (yup Carrie, you've made my dreams twice in one week) decided to go on vacation. Carrie called me and said, "pack up, we leave in the morning". Well for some reason I had no idea where we were going and only knew it was somewhere far away.

As we arrived in Croatia, which didn't look a thing like the picture shown here, I soon realized I had forgotten my passport. Not only that, but Croatia was currently under Communist law and was a bit unstable. Carrie started yelling at me, which I didn't need to hear because I already knew I was in trouble and would probably end up on some Tijuana type prison for months, even years. I had visions of my country having to step in, send an ambassador and try their hardest to get me out. My only hope is that Bill Clinton was they guy they'd send because I knew he could do the job.

Carrie and I decided to try and contact the US Embassy, which never happened. So we decided to enjoy our vacation until I was sent to prison. We stayed at some poor families home, ate their food and didn't dare leave the house because of fighting in the streets. This meant enjoying our vacation was not going to happen. Fortunately for me I woke up before I was hauled off to prison.

What this dream means is beyond me! I'm pretty sure I won't be going a foreign land anytime soon but if I do I'll not forget my passport.


Carrie said...

Never thought about going to Croatia, probably won't. And the part of that dream that made me laugh was the part where I yelled at you. I'm such a bitch!