Monday, August 31, 2009

Kick'n Some Hillbilly Ass!

Picture it, camping in the wilderness smelling the fresh air.  Only to be woken up by the sound of the banjo and gun shots.  This was my dream last Friday (8/28/09) while camping in the mtns.  In my dream I awoke to those sounds.  I opened up the tent and saw this guy!He was walking toward me with a shot gun and a bottle of whiskey in his hand.  I yelled at him and asked what the hell he was doing.  He stumbled and said he was looking for elk.  I then said, "do I look like an elk to you?".  He stumbled away and I laid back down.

No more than 10 min later the whole gang of hillbillies came trotting into our campsite.  One little, dirty read headed hillbilly got mad and shot at my friend Sarah who luckily was only grazed by the bullet in the arm.  In the end we made them hillbillies leave and go find their elk.  I went back into the tent and fell asleep.

The end.

I think I shouldn't sleep in a tent anymore.  I have crazy dreams when I sleep outside!